Trail mode
This feature can be used on or off the road to record vehicle move m e n t s .
Instead of guiding the vehicle on a route calculated in adva n c e , it captures
the route actually take n . Once a trail is recorded and saved in the trail book,
it can be used to retrace the route or to repeat it in the future.
As a trail is recorded, the system generates automatic points (similar to dropping
bread crumbs) at turns between straight-line segments and eve ry 60 feet on curve d
s e g m e n t s . Users can also generate and name waypoints along the way. S y s t e m
resources can store about 30 trails with 50 waypoints per tra i l . Recording long or
c o m p l ex trails will reduce the resources ava i l a ble for accepting additional tra i l s .
At the
Main menu A:
1. Press the TRAIL function button to proceed to the
Trail Book menu B where four options are available:
View an existing trail on the map
Navigate a trail already in the trail book
Add a trail to the trail book
Edit an existing trail
E n t e r
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
trail mode
Trail mode
These trail procedures use
Trail 1 as an example. In actual
use of the NAV ONE, menus
and screens will be titled with
user selected names.