
MMeennuu CChhooiicceess
Returns to
the Menu.
Allows creation
and naming of
folders within the
Address Book.
Is the means of adding a location to an
Address Book folder. From the display of
the selected folder, the Add Entry mode
allows choices from a specified location,
the unit’s current location, the list of
interest points or an Address Book entry.
Allows setting a
location as the
designated home
point as the last
step of entering it in
Address Book.
Returns to
the Menu.
Allows entry of an establishment name. For establishments
with multiple locations, such as a restaurant chain, the
system returns a list of up to 50 locations within a 50 mile
radius of the current or changed location. If the desired item
is not found, use Change Location to search another area.
Allows researching
in any place other
than the unit’s
current location.
Stores and organizes locations for later use. The
Personal folder is permanent; all other folders can be added or deleted by the user.
Locations can exist in more than one folder, but the exact same entry cannot exist more than once in any given folder.
Allows destination selection from a list of public places. Within the twelve general categories of places, there are about seven million
listings of points to which one might want to go.
Allows selection
of a symbol to
represent a
location on the
Map. See NOTE
at right.
If “Proximity Alert”
icon is chosen,
the NAV ONE will
notify you if you
are close to the
selected Address
Book location.