Points of Interest: Summary
Sort Option ẅ ẋ Ẍ
Highlight and select SORT to sort the list of POIs according to name,
symbol, or nearest POI. Highlight and select NAME to sort the POIs in
alphabetical order. Highlight and select SYMBOL to sort the POIs with the
symbol you chose listed first. (Groups of POIs with the same symbol will be
sorted alphabetically.) Highlight and select NEAREST to sort the POIs by
distance from your current location, with the nearest listed first (see “Sort,”
page 42).
Search Option ẅ Ẍ
Highlight and select SEARCH to search the list of POIs for a name that you
enter. Press the ENTER button to begin entering the name you want to
search (see “Editing Text,” page 41). Enter the name of a point of interest.
The list adjusts to show the POI starting with the letters you enter (see
“Search,” page 43).
Ẋ Sort Option
ẋ Sort By
Ẍ Search
Points of Interest
You can use optional computer software and an interface cable to connect
your GPS 500 to a computer. This allows you to take advantage of powerful
mapping programs and to transfer data back and forth between the
computer and your unit. (See “Using the Data Interface,” page 48.) Points
of interest transferred from a computer can be used as points within routes
for navigation purposes. (See “Routes,” page 26.)
When you select POINTS OF INTEREST from the Nav Data page, you have
access to the POIs you downloaded using your Data Interface. A POI’s details
can be edited. You can ask the unit to show you the “GoTo” direction of
travel to reach any POI you select.
NOTE: You can store up to 50 points of interest into a route.
Selecting Options Ẅ ẅ
From the Nav Data page, push the JOYSTICK up or down to highlight
POINTS OF INTEREST and press the ENTER button to display the POI screen.
Any points of interest that you loaded into your unit will be displayed. (See
“Using the Data Interface,” page 48, for instructions on how to load points
of interest from a computer.) Use the JOYSTICK again to highlight your
choice, then press the ENTER button to select it. Press the PAGE button to
return to the main page.
Select Option ẅ Ẇ ẇ Ẉ ẉ
Highlight and select SELECT to access any POI on the list. Highlight and
select any POI listed on the screen to bring up that POI ’s information
screen. You may then highlight and select GOTO to display the Map page
showing you the direction of travel to the selected POI. Highlight and select
MAP to display the Map page with the selected POI centered. Highlight and
select EDIT to edit the name, symbol, location coordinates or elevation of the
selected POI. Or highlight and select DELETE to delete the selected POI.
ẅ POI List
ẇ Edit
Ẉ Edit Symbol
Ẅ Nav Data
ẉ Delete
Points of Interest: Summary