About This Book
This user’s guide serves as both an introduction for new speakerphone users and
a reference for experienced users.
The first chapter of the manual describes the initial setup and adjustments
necessary to begin using your speakerphone.
1 Getting Started
The following chapters describe the basic and advanced features of the Common
Code Based DXP, DXP Plus, FXS and FXT Systems:
2 Answering Calls
3 Making Calls
4 Advanced Call Handling
5 Nonverbal Messaging
6 Programming
7 Other Advanced Features
Following the advanced feature descriptions are two reference tables, a glossary
that defines many general phrases and abbreviations which may not be familiar
to users , tips on speakerphone use for the new user described in Appendix D,
and all feature sets available for the DXP, DXP Plus, FXS and FXT systems.
Appendix A Quick Reference Guide
Appendix B Display Abbreviations .
Appendix C Glossary
Appendix D Speakerphone Characteristics
Appendix E Feature Networking Support
Finally, at the end of the publication, an index provides a detailed reference to the
feature locations.
Large Screen Display Speakerphone Station User’s Guide i
GCA70-349 Contents