
08 09
Safety Information Operation Safety Others
Danger Warning Caution
For Information
Do not repair, disassemble, or
Electrical shock or fire may occur
as a result.
system installation shall
comply with state and local laws and
regulations. Do not use with water
that is microbiologically unsafe or of
unknown quality without adequate
disinfection before or after the system.
Do not use filtered water for the
water exchange of an aquarium
or a fishbowl.
Certain fish may die as a result.
When water if stored or the product
is not in use for a long time, drain
all the water in the storage tank
before use.
Stored water may get contaminated.
Be careful not to get burned by
the hot water while extracting or
Get burned may occur as a result.
When moving the product or replacing the
fine post-carbon filter there may be black
residue particles under the tank bottom
stored water may get contaminated.
Certain level of fine dust may be introduced to
silver coated activated carbon that is used to the
fine post-carbon filter to enhance the taste of
water; thus, it is harmless to human body.
Do not carry the unit by its
power cord.
Electrical shock or fire may
occur as a result.
Do not spray water or wipe them
with benzene when cleaning .
Electrical shock or fire may
occur as a result.
Please read this information to prevent property loss and ensure your safety.
Operation Safety