
I ONE-PIECE Door Installation I One-Piece__Door Without Track
Before you begin, survey your garage area to /_
see whether any of the conditions below apply ____._o _
Supp_= ur_e_
tO your Installation. &lasting _
hardware is required,
Slac_ksinChanom_ntenwtN_nSmn Seepage 17
garage door isdosed,
_ Gap _
_ ofdoor rnustnot exceed 1/4".
Safety Reversing Sensor
Based onyourparticularrequirements, thereare
several installationstepswhichmightcell for
materialsand/or hardwarenot includedinthecarton.
Step 1, page 13 - Lookat the wall or ceilingabove
the garage door.The header bracket mustbe
securelyfastened to structuralsupports.
Step 5, page 17 - Do you have a finished ceilingin
yourgarage? If so, a supportbracket and
additionalfastening hardware (not provided)may
be required.
Safety reversingsensor,page 21 - Dependingon
garage construction,wood blocksmay need to be
securelyfastened tomountinglocationsbefore
sensorsare installed.
Step 10, page 22 - Alternatefloor mountingofthe
safety reversingsensorwillrequirehardware that
is notprovided.
Step 11, page 25 - Generally, a one-piece door
does not requirereinforcement.If yourdoor is
lightweight, you can refer tothe information
relatingto sectionaldoorson page 24.
Step 11,page 25 - Dependingon yourdoor's
construction,you might need additionalmounting
hardware for thedoor bracket.
Do you have an access door in additiontothe
garage door?If not, Model 53702 Emergency
Key Release isrequired.See page 38.
The gap between the bottom of the garage
door and the floor cannot exceed 1/4".
Otherwise, the safety reverse system may not
work properly. See page 30. The flooror thedoor
shouldbe repaired.
One-Piece Door With Track
Safety acro4ss width of door
Reversing Sensor
Closed Position
Cable Cable Trolley Chain
, Bracket
Straight Release
Bracket Door _ Rope & Handle
You may find It helpful to refer back to this page as
you proceed wIth the installation of your opener.