
Installation Section: Pages 12 - 27
Installation Step 1
Determine Header Bracket Location
Installation procedures vary according to
garage door types. Follow the instructions
which apply to your door.
Header __
If the header bracket is not rigidly fastened to
a structural support on the header wall or
ceiling, the safety reverse system may not
work properly (see page 30). The door might
not reverse when required, and could cause
serious injury or death.
The garage door springs, cables, pulleys,
brackets and their hardware are under extreme
tension. Do not attempt to loosen, move or
adjust them yourself. Serious personal injury
or death could result. Call for professional
Vertical __ Finished __ garage door service.
Guideline Ceiling
"'_'-'_'_,""---_r.._ x4 _tu_;U_a_ _ "Close llhe dtor I nandoft_rkqlhreaineS_e°
.e'oaoe, 0 g r.
III III -T Extendthelineontotheheaderwall
___[_ _ above the door.
I .emember,youcanfastenthe
I It:l ]11_F/ I headerbracketwithin2feetofthe
_-_-._ltl IVII I left or right of the door center onlyif
1 _ I I a torsion spring or center bearing
I II',l=v__."!_,Z'_lllIll I I plate is in the way; or you can attach
I tilt......_lll I tl I ! it to the ceiling (refer to page 14)
,,, qI] I when clearance is minimal. (It may
IN t NIl I be mounted on thewall upsidedown
HI I III i I if necessary, to gain approximately
_ _ _1 I 1/2".)
_---1P1-- t III I #youneed to install the header bracket
Ill I L_ I J on a 2x4 (on wall or ceiling), use lag
U_ _ :_--_----_---_----- screws(notprovided)tosecurelyfasten
the 2x4 to structural supports as shown
here and on page 13.
Open your door to the highest
point of travel as shown. Draw
an intersecting horizontal line
on the header wail 2" above
the high point. This height will
provide travel clearance for the
top edge of the door.
Door clearance brackets are
available for sectional doors
when headroom clearance is
less than 2". See accessory
page 38.
Door --
_W_I Track
Highest Point
of Travel
Highest Point
of Travel
Proceed to Step 2, page 14.
Sectional door
with curved track
One-piece door
with horizontal track