Brake Switch: This switch is located under the brake
pedal assembly. The engine will not start without first
depressing the brake pedal. This switchwill also shut
offthe engine if the operator attempts to get off the unit
without setting the parking brake,
Blade Control Switch: This switchis located in the
steering column. Ifthe operator attempts to start the
engine, get offthe seat or remove grass bag with the
blade controllever stillengaged, it will shut engine off.
Grass Bag Switch: This switch is located in the
bulkhead behind the engine. Ifthe operator attempts to
cut grass when the grass catcher isnot properly
attached to the vehicle, itwill shut engine off.
Before Starting
Filling Up Oil
Check oillevel inthe engine oilsump before startingthe
engine. (Oil sump capacity: 22 ozJ0.65 liter)
1. Place the vehicle on level ground and flip the seat
up to access the engine.
2. With a dry rag, clean the area around the oilfill on
the engine.
3. Remove dipstick and wipe it clean with cloth.
4. Replace and tighten the dipstick. Remove the
dipstick again and check the oillevel mark on it.
The oillevel should beat FULL line on the dipstick.
Ifthe level is short of that, add oil tothe oil fillslowly.
Recheck the oil level on the dipstick. If needed, add
more oil. Do not overfill.
NOTE: The lawn utility vehicle is shipped with oil in the
engine crankcase.
5. Place the dipstick inposition and tighten to secure.
Type of Oil
SAE Viscosity Grades
°F -20 ° O° 20° 3240° 60_ 80° 100°
3tading temperature range anticipated before next oil change
*CAUTION: Aircooledenginesrunhotterthanautomotive
_=ngines.The useofnon-syntheticmulti-viscosityoils(5W-
30,10W-30etc.)intemperaturesabove40°F willresultin
nigherthannormaloilconsumption.Whenusinga multi-
'*CAUTION: SAE 30 oil,ifusedbelow40°F, willresultin
lard startingandpoesibleengineboredamagedue to
1. Refer to the chart above for proper grade of oil.
2. Use ahigh quality detergent oil classified =For
service SF, SG,SH, SJ" or higher.
3. Do not use special additives.
NOTE: Synthetic oil meeting ILSAC GF-2, API
certification and API service symbol with "SJ/CF
Energy Conserving" or higher is an acceptable oil at all
temperatures. Use of synthetic off does not alter
required oil change intervals.
Filling Up Gasoline
WARNING: Fillfuel tank outdoorsor in well-
ventilated area, away from sparks, open
flames, pilot lights,heat andother ignition
NOTE: On a vehicle which has already been started
and/or operated once immediately prior to thisgasoline
fill-up, turn engine off and let cool at least two minutes
before removing gas cap.
1. Remove gas tank cap and filltank to approximately
1.5 inches below top of neck to allow for fuel
expansion. Be careful not tooverfill.
2. Replace cap on the gas tank and tighten to secure.
If fuel spills on part of engine or vehicle, wait until it
evaporates before startingengine.
Type of Gasoline
• Use clean, fresh, regular unleaded gasoline with
minimum 85 octane rating.
• Do not use gasoline mixed with methanol, or
gasoline which has been stored for more than 30
days. Always purchase fuel in quantity that can be
used up within30 days. Fresh fuel prevents gum
from forming in the fuel system or on carburetor.
• Do not mix gasoline with engine oil.
NOTE: Some fuels, called oxygenated or reformulated
gasoline, are blended with alcohols or ethers. Using
these blends frequently can damage the fuel system or
affect performance. If engine performance is affected,
use gasoline with lower percentage of alcohol or ether.
Starting the Engine
1. Looking under the seat and towards the front of the
engine, check that spark plugwire is connected.
2. Occupy the seat and insert key into ignitionswitch.
3. Place blade control lever in OFF position. (Refer to
Figure 7 for locationof controls mentioned here.)
4. Engage parking brake.
5. Pull choke control outward intothe Choke position.
6. Tum ignitionkey clockwise to START position.
After the engine starts, release the key. Itwill retum
to RUN position automatically.