Completely loosenthe two screws that hold the
cover of the air cleaner. Remove the entire air
cleaner assembly from the base. Liftthe coveroff
the air cleaner. See Figure 13.
Figure 13
6. To clean cartridge, gently tap pleated paper side on
a flat surface.
7. To clean pre-cleaner, separate it from the cartridge
and wash in liquid detergent and water. Air-dry
thoroughly. Re-assemble the dry pre-cleaner on
the cartridge.
,_ WARNING: Do not use pressurized air orsolvents to clean cartridge. Pressurized air can
damage cartridge while solventswill dissolve it.
8. Install clean (or new) air cleaner assembly in base
so that the lipof the cartridge sits inside the base.
See Figure 13.
9. Place the cover over the aircleaner assembly and
secure with the two screws loosened instep 6.
Spark Plug
1. Clean area around the spark plug base.
2. Remove and inspectthe spark plug.
3. Replace the spark plug if electrodes are pitted,
bumed, or the porcelain iscracked. See Figure 14.
4. Clean the spark plug and reset the gap to 0.020" at
least once a season or every 100 hoursof
operation. See Figure 14. Replace if necessary.
Refer to parts listsection for part number.
NOTE: Do not sandblast spark plug. Spark plug should
be cleaned by scraping or wire brushing and washing
witha commercial solvent.
Figure 14
Engine Tune-Up Specifications
• Armature air gap
• Spark plug gap
• Intake
• Exhaust
0.006 - 0.014 inches
0.020 inches
0.004 - 0.006 inch
0.009 - 0.011 inch
See Figure 15 for an illustrationofthe lube points
described below.
• Blade Assembly: Lubricate blade assembly and
deck spindle before reassembling the blade either
after sharpening orreplacement.
• Pivot Points: Lubricate all pivot points on the drive
system, parking brake and liftlinkage at least once
a season with light oil.
• Steering Shaft: Lubricate steedng shaft and gear
spline at least once a season with lightoil.
• Gear: Lubricate teeth of the external steering gears
with automotive multi-purpose grease every 25
hours of operation or once a season.
• Front Wheels: Lubricate the front wheels with
automotive grease once a season.
Lubricate Lubricate
Figure 15: Lubrication Chart
During normal operation of any vehicle, the brake is
subject towear and tear. Check the brake every 25
hours of operation by carrying out the following test:
1. Release the parking brake and place the shift lever
in neutral. Depress the brake pedal and try to roll
the vehicle. It should not move. Ifthe vehicle
moves, adjust the brake following instructions on
page 20.