
"1/2choke"position.When engine runs
smoothly, move choke lever to "No
Choke" Position.
NOTE: Allow the engine to warm up for
several minutes before blowingsnow in
temperatures below 0°F.
Be sure the choke is inthe OFF posi-
tion and putt the starter handle unlil the
engine starts.
Do not prime a warm engine. If the en-
gine fails to start, follow the Cold En-
gine Start instructions on page 8,
vent holes as follows: (Remove finger
from primer button between primes).
Do not prime if temperature is above
Two times if temperature is50 ° F to 15°F.
Four times iftemperature is below 15°F.
Pull the starter handle with a smooth
rapid movement. Do not allow the starter
rope to snap back. Rewind smoothly
while holding the starter handle. If the
engine fires but does not start, pull the
starter handle until the engine starts.
Affer three pulls, repeat the priming and
pulling steps again.
Primer St rter
,_ Button _ - ... "_ As engine starts warms up move choke
vent Hope
\ r leVerto1/2choke"poeition,W.en
r_---- \ I ,! "_'_ Ii engine runs smoothly, move choke lever
°%11; toNoChokePosition.
i/} ,_s I _ _ \ III; NOTE: Allow the engine to warm up for
_ (;_L__._] I_:Starterseveral minutes before blowing snow in
Key,/_r" o(po ._Box temperatures below 0°F.
o o / _' I WARM START
iJii_i_ iiiii_i / "!i_ ',:!ii_i!!iii_i!iiiii==iiiiiii=,!i_/ / t _=_ i i Do not prime a warm engine. Ifthe en-
Choke C_ntrol Elec_rt/er Button glne fails to start, foBow the Cold En
gine Start instructions on this page.
/_ CAUTION: This starter is equipped to
operate on 120 voltAC household current.
Follow all instructions carefully as set forth
in the "To Slart Engine" section. When
connecting 120 volt AC power cord, always
connect the cord to the switch box on the
engine first, then plug the other end into the
household receptacle. When disconnecting
the 120 volt AC power cord, always unplug
from the household receptacle first.
To stop the engine, turn the key to OFF
and remove key. Keep key in a safe
place. The engine will notstart without
the key. See figure above.
Before starting the engine, be certain that
you have read arid understood all the
instructions on the preceding pages.
Z_ CAUTI .ON: Never run engine indoors
or inenclosed, poorly ventilated areas.
Engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide,
an odorless and a deadly gas. Always stand
behind snow thrower(operator's position)
when starting engine. Do not put hands,
feet, hair or loose clothing in or near the
discharge chute deflector or auger housing
while the engine is running. The tempera-
ture of the muffler and neaby areas may
exceed 150_F.; avoid these areas also.
Z_ WARNING: Objects such as gravel,
rocksor other debris, ifstruck by the auger,
may be thrown with sufficientforce to cause
personal injury or property damage.
We recommend standard safety glasses or
Wide Vision Safety Mask for over your
Insert the key and turn ON.
Move the choke control to the FULL
Push the primer button while covering the