
CertainTeed Vinyl Siding Installation Guide
Preparing Wall Surfaces
The key to successful vinyl siding application is proper preparation
of the nailing surface. It is essential that you work over a smooth
nailing surface. The more level and even the wall surface, the better
the finished installation will look.
The steps involved in preparation differ for new homes and old, so
choose the instructions (page 28 to 33) that pertain to your project.
Installing the first course
It’s important to work with care and planning as you install siding
panels. This is especially true when you’re installing the first course
of siding. (See pages 33 to 35 for fastening methods.)
For best results, follow these guidelines:
The key to creating a visually attractive installation is to lap away
from areas where people normally walk or gather. For example,
on the front wall, work from the corners to the entrance door
(so overlaps face away from door).
On side walls, work from the rear corners toward the front. This
approach minimizes the effect of lapping and produces the best
appearance. Keep lap appearance in mind throughout installation.
NOTE: Lap appearance is also improved when you avoid
using panels less than 3' long.
Slide the first panel into the cornerpost recess. Leave room for
expansion (see page 35-36 for spacing requirements).
Hook the bottom lock of the panel into the interlock bead of the
starter strip by applying upward pressure.
Before nailing, double check to make certain you’ve locked the
panel along its entire length. A slight upward pressure may be
required to snap the interlock securely. Don’t force the lock too
tightly, however. You may distort your laps. Nail properly. Also,
make certain the panel can slide freely. Start at the center of the
panel and work out.
Install the remaining starter course panels, overlapping panel
ends (see pages 35-36 for overlapping requirements). The last
nail should be at least 4" from the end of the panel to allow for a
neat lap.
Remember to leave room for expansion when fitting panels into
remaining inside and outside cornerposts.
lock not fully engaged lock fully engaged
room for
lock panel to
starter strip