DX-112/212 Digital Guitar Amplifier
The DX-112/212’s Keypad has many uses – aside from recalling presets (as mentioned in the
QuickStart part of this guide):
Recalling the Presets:
There are ten presets accessible from the keypad, in two banks of five per bank: with the A/B but-
ton off (not lit), the numbered buttons to recall presets 1–5 (bank A); with the A/B button lit, the
buttons recall presets 6–10 (bank B). Each preset stores its own set of parameters (amp selection,
tones, level, effect, etc.). Once a preset is selected, turning a knob will change that knob’s setting
only – the other settings will electronically remain at their virtual positions until you change them.
“What’s a virtual position?” (Good Question!) It’s the setting that the amp remem-
bers for each knob when a preset is stored. Example: Let’s say the Gain control
was at 10:00 when preset 1 was saved, then changed to the 3:00 position. The
actual setting for the knob is 3:00. Recall preset 1 and even though the knob is
physically pointing to 3:00, the amp acts as if the knob were set to the 10:00 posi-
tion – because that’s the virtual position for that knob in preset 1. (Got it?)
Saving New Presets:
Once you get a sound setting you want to keep, assigning it to a preset button is easy: press and
hold the desired button (1–5, bank A; 6–10, bank B) until the keypad flashes (about 3 seconds).
The settings are now stored at that preset location.
(NOTE: The charts on pages 23 through 42 give you a place to record the settings for your presets.
Presets 1–10 are accessible through the keypad, presets 11–100 are accessible by use of the
optional Crate Footswitch Controller)
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