DXJ112 Digital Guitar Amplifier
Each of the digital effects has one or more parameters you can change by using the Effects
Adjust control. All of the effects (except the compressor and the Touch Wah) can also be
changed by using the Tap function – either through the Keypad, or with the Crate Foot
Controller. The chart on the following page lists the effects along with the parameter(s) affected
by the Effects Adjust knob and the Tap button.
NOTE: On multi-effects, modulation speed and echo time are set simultaneously by the Tap button.
To bypass the digital effects, turn the Effect Adjust control fully counter-clockwise and select the
Bypass/Comp effect. (Notice the chart on page 18: There is no compression with the Effect Adjust
knob full counter-clockwise, therefore no effects are applied to the signal – thus, “effects bypass.”)
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