The DSP Section:
1 VOCAL 1 slight chorus, short slapback delay, medium hall reverb
2 VOCAL 2 chorus with large hall reverb
3 VOCAL 3 doubler, short flange, large plate reverb
4 ECHO 1 125 ms echo with long regeneration
5 ECHO 2 250 ms echo with short regeneration
6 DELAY 125 ms delay
7 SM HALL small hall reverb
8 MD HALL medium hall reverb with early reflections
9 LG HALL large hall reverb
10 CATHED large saturated reverb - similar to church/cathedral
11 ROOM 1 small tight room reverb
12 ROOM 2 medium room reverb
13 PLATE 1 small plate reverb
14 PLATE 2 large plate reverb
15 GATEREV gated reverb (medium hall)
16 FLANGE large deep flange, slow rate, low resonance
PM62S/PM82S/PM82T Powered Mixers
Use the DSP
Program control
(#23) to select
one of the six-
teen digital
effects - the
selected effect
illuminates on the
display panel.
(The effects are
only active when
the DSP On
switch - #22 - is
The chart below lists each of the sixteen digital effects by its Program number, its name (as indicated on the DSP display
panel), and a brief description of the effect: