We recommend setting #3 when using
commercial pancake/waffle mixes.
We recommend setting #4 for most homemade
(from scratch) waffle recipes.
If you prefer crisper, darker waffles, increase the
browning control.
For evenly filled waffles, pour the batter into the
centre of the lower grid and spread out evenly to
the edges. The entire lower grid should be filled.
For best results, we recommend using 3/4 cup (175 ml)
batter to fill the entire lower grid.
Waffles taste best when made to order, but
baked waffles may be kept warm in a 200°F
(95°C) oven. Place in a baking pan or wrap in foil
while in the oven. Waffles wrapped in foil may
lose their crispiness.
Baked waffles may be frozen. Allow to cool
completely, then place in plastic food storage
bag. Use waxed paper to keep waffles
separated. Reheat in a Cuisinart
toaster or
toaster oven when ready to use.
Maple syrup, fruit syrups
Warm fruit compote, fruit sauce
Fresh berries, chopped fruit, chopped nuts
Powdered sugar
Whipped cream, ice cream, sorbet
Chocolate sauce
Fruited yogurt
You can’t beat the taste of homemade waffles.
Freeze the extras to use when time is scarce.
Makes twelve 4-inch (10 cm) waffles
2 cups (500 ml) all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons (25 ml) sugar
1 tablespoon (15 ml) baking powder
1/2 teaspoon (2 ml) salt
2-1/4 cups (550 ml) reduced fat milk
6 tablespoons (90 ml) vegetable oil
2 large eggs
Place ingredients in a large mixing bowl and
combine until well blended and smooth. Let
batter sit 5 minutes before using. Preheat your
Belgian Waffle Baker on setting #4*
(green indicator light will be illuminated when
Pour 3/4 cup (175 ml) batter onto preheated
w a ffle baker grid. Using a heat-proof plastic spatu-
la, spread batter until evenly distributed. Allow bat-
ter to bubble for 5 - 10 seconds, then close cover
of waffle baker. Indicator light will turn red. When
light turns green again, waffle is ready. Open cover
and carefully remove baked waffle. Repeat with
remaining batter. For best results, serve immedi-
a t e l y. However, you may keep waffles warm in a
200°F (95°C) oven until ready to serve.
* We recommend using setting #4 to achieve a
golden brown baked waffle. Adjust the browning
control if you prefer lighter or darker waffles.
Nutritional information per serving:
Calories 180 (44% from fat) • carb. 20g • pro. 5g
• fat 9g • sat. fat 1g • chol. 39mg • sod. 189mg
• calc. 63mg • fiber 1g
For Blueberry Waffles:
Sprinkle each waffle with 1 tablespoon (15 ml)
fresh or frozen (no need to thaw) blueberries.
For Chocolate Chip Waffles:
Sprinkle each waffle with 2 teaspoons (10 ml)
mini chocolate morsels before baking.
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