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In-Circuit Emulation with PSoC
The In-circuit Emulator (ICE) is driven by the Debugger in PSoC Designer
The software interface of the
debugger allows the user to run, halt, and single-step the processor with the ICE. It also allows the user
to set complex event points. Event points can start and stop the trace memory on the ICE, as well as
break the program execution.
The ICE can also serve as a single-site device programmer
via an ISSP Cable and the MiniEval board included in the
CY3215-DK kit. The ICE supports large memory model
PSoC devices (devices with >256 bytes of RAM) and is
backward compatible with previous PSoC devices
(CY8C27x43 and CY8C24x23A).
What adapters do you need for your project?
In addition to the ICE that is included in the Development
Kit (CY3215-DK), different Emulation Pods are available to
support the range of packages available in the PSoC family.
The PODs plug into (or are soldered onto) the user's circuit
board to provide the physical interface to the ICE/ PSoC
Device. PODs are available for low-cost expansion of ICE-
Cube capability as a modular system.
The ICE can only be purchased as a kit: CY3215-DK. In addition, if you are using QFN packages an
Emulation Kit (CY3250-xxxx-QFN) must be purchased for adapting the specific package to the POD. The
package you choose can be adapted to any POD with a “Foot,” or package adapter. Detailed selection
guides follow in the appendix.
Each PSoC family has two pod kits associated with it: QFN and Non-QFN, and each type of package
offered in that family has one foot Kit for use with that package type.
The following photos demonstrate the connection between the parts:
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