Diesel Engine Engine Identification
Performance D20/25/30/32/33S-3
Standard - SAEJ1995
Air Cleaner - without but with 3.0kPa intake restriction
Muffler - without but with 10.0kPa exhaust restriction
Alternator - without
Test Condition
Fan - without
Rated Power kW(PS) 43.4 (59) @ 2200 rpm 48.5 (65) @ 2600 rpm
Max Torque Nm(kgf-m) 202 (20.6) @ 1600 rpm 214 (21.8) @ 1600 rpm
Torque Rising
7.4 % for 2200rpm rating 20.0% for 2600rpm rating
@Rated Power g/kWh 227 @2200rpm 236 @ 2600rpm
@Max Torque g/kWh 219 @1600rpm 226 @ 1600rpm
General Engine Data Naturally Aspirated
Engine Weight (Dry) Less Flywheel and Electronics 245 kg [540 lb]
Compression Ratio 18.8
Bore 95 mm [3.74 in]
Stroke 115 mm [4.528 in]
Displacement 3.26 liters [199 in³]
Firing Order 1-2-4-3
Valve Clearance:
0.35 mm [0.014 in]
0.50 mm [0.020 in]
Rotation Viewed from the Front of the Engine Clockwise
Lubrication System Naturally Aspirated
Regulating Valve Opening Pressure 490 kPa [71 psi]
7.5 liters [8.0 qt] 8.0 liters [8.5 qt]
Lubricating Oil Capacity:
Total System
Standard Oil Pan Only
7.0 liters [7.4 qt]
Lubricating Oil Pressure at Idle (Minimum Allowable) 69 kPa [10 psi]
Lubricating Oil Pressure at Rated (Minimum Allowable) 245 kPa [35 psi]
Oil Filter Differential Pressure to Open Bypass Valve 98 kPa [14 psi]
Number of liters [qt] from Low to High 1.5 liters [1.6 qt]
Cooling System Naturally Aspirated
Coolant Capacity (Engine Only ) 4.5 liters [4.75 qt]
82° C [180° F]
Standard Modulating Thermostat
Fully Open
95° C [203° F]
Maximum Pressure Cap @ Sea Level 50 kPa [7 psi]
Air Induction System Naturally Aspirated
Maximum Allowable Intake Restriction at Rated Speed and
Load with Dirty Filter Element
762 mm H2O
[30 in H2O]
Exhaust System Naturally Aspirated
Maximum Allowable Exhaust Restriction at Rated Speed and
Load with Dirty Filter Element
75 mm Hg
[3 in Hg]
Fuel System Naturally Aspirated
Maximum Allowable Restriction to the Fuel Transfer Pump
or Filter Head Must Not Exceed
75 mm Hg
[3 in Hg]
Maximum Allowable Return Line Restriction Must Not
190.5 mm Hg
[7.5 in Hg]
Inlet Pressure to the Injection Pump Range 0.00 kPa [0.00 psi] to 39.0 kPa [5.00 psi]
Electrical System Naturally Aspirated
Minimum Recommended Battery
Capacity with Light Accessories*:
12-VDC Starter 550 CCA
Minimum Recommended Battery
Capacity with Heavy
12-VDC Starter 730 CCA
Maximum Allowable Resistance
of the Starting Circuit:
12-VDC Starter 0.0012 ohms
*Typical light accessories include: Alternator, small steering pump, and disengaged clutch.
**Typical heavy accessories include: Hydraulic pump and torque converter.