Host Group Parameter Host Has Individual Virtual Disk-
to-LUN Mappings
Host Does Not Have Individual
Virtual Disk-to-LUN Mappings
under the new host group
defined by hostGroupName.
under the new host group
defined by hostGroupName.
none The host is removed from the
host group as an independent
partition and is placed under the
root node.
The host is removed from the
present host group and is placed
under the default group.
defaultGroup The command fails. The host is removed from the
present host group and is placed
under the default group.
NOTE: When you use this command, you can specify one or more of the optional parameters. You
do not, however, need to use all of the parameters.
NOTE: You can use any combination of alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores for the
names. Command names can have a maximum of 30 characters. If you exceed the maximum
character limit, replace square brackets ([ ]) with angle brackets (< >) to overcome this limitation.
Set Host Channel
This command defines the loop ID for the host channel.
set hostChannel [hostChannelNumber]
Parameter Description
The identifier number of the host channel for
which you want to set the loop ID.
The host channel identifier number is constructed
by combining the RAID controller module number
and the host channel number. Enclose the host
channel identifier number in square brackets ([ ]).
Separate the RAID controller module number from
the host channel number with a comma.
For example, the identifier number for host
channel 2 on RAID controller module 0 would be
The port identifier for the specified host port. Port
ID values are 0 to 127.