
7. Test the SNMP configuration using the command: vicfg-snmp.pl --server <server> --
username <username> --password <password> -T
NOTE: The .pl extension is not required if you are using vSphere CLI on Linux or using vMA.
The SNMP trap configuration takes effect immediately without restarting any services.
When attempting to use the vihostupdate command, the following error may be displayed:
unpacking c:\OM-SrvAdmin-Dell-Web-<version>-<bldno>.VIB-ESX<version>i_<bld-
metadata.zip.sig does not exist
signature mismatch : metadata.zip
Unable to unpack update package.
This error is displayed if you are using an older version of the Remote CLI. To resolve this issue,
download and install the latest vSphere version of the CLI.
When attempting to use the vihostupdate command, the following error may be displayed:
Unable to create, write or read a file as expected.I/O Error (28) on file :
[Errno 28] No space left on device.
See the VMware KB article 1012640 at kb.vmware.com to fix this error.