
19-16 Dell PowerVault 720N, 740N, and 760N System Administrator and Command Reference Guide
Prevents the update of the access time (atime) on an inode when a file is read. This
option prevents inode updates from contending with reads from other files. Use it
only on a filer with extremely high read traffic (for example, on a news server used by
an Internet access provider or on a filer used mainly as an HTTP server).
Temporarily disables automatic snapshots.
Makes invisible the snapshot directory thats usually present at the client mount point
or at the root of the CIFS share. It also turns off access to the snapshot directory and
all snapshot directories under the mount point or the root of the CIFS share.
After you toggle this option, you might not notice the effect immediately because the
information about the snapshot directories might still be in the clients attribute cache.
To force the change to take effect immediately, unmount and remount the file system.
Sets the filer to check for NVRAM errors during boot up. Change the value to On
when you want the filer to send error messages to notify you of NVRAM errors that
can effect the validity of database files.