Faxing 61
Access the Printer Setup Utility
Access the Printer Setup Utility if you want to configure the printer modem for your specific
faxing needs.
1 Click Start →Programs or All Programs→Dell Printers→ Dell Photo AIO Printer
→ Dell All-In-One Center.
2 From the Dell All-In-One Center, click the Maintain/Troubleshoot tab, and then click
Display the Printer Setup Utility.
Printer Setup Utility Tabs
On this tab: You can:
Send • Enter your name and fax number.
• Select a maximum send speed and a print quality for outgoing faxes.
• Choose whether to scan the entire document before dialing the number.
• Choose whether to use error correction.
• Select when to print a fax usage report.
• Select when to print a fax activity report.
Receive • Choose whether you want to print a footer (date, time, and page number)
on each page.
• Automatically reduce an incoming fax to fit to the paper size loaded, or print
it on two sheets of paper.
• Select whether you want to forward a fax or print it, and then forward it.
•Manage blocked faxes.
Connection/Dialing • Select the number of times you want the machine to redial and the time
between those attempts if the fax cannot be sent on the first try.
• Select the phone line format you want to use (Pulse, Touch-tone, Behind a
• Enter a dialing prefix.
• Choose how (manually, if fax tones are detected, or after a certain amount of
rings) you want to answer incoming calls.
• Choose a distinctive ring if your phone line has distinctive ring service
Speed Dial Add to, create, or edit the speed dial or group speed dial lists.