194 Dell™ Printer Configuration Web Tool
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Address Book
The Address Book menu includes the E-Mail Address, Server Address, and Phone Book pages.
ColorTrack Mode Off Enables to print the data with no authentication information.
Internal Mode Restricts printing based on the print user information registered in the
internal server.
External Mode Restricts printing based on the print user information registered in the
external server.
Non Registered User Sets whether to permit the printing of data with no authentication information. To permit the
printing for non-account user, select the check box.
Non Registered User
Sets the password to be used for non-account user using 1 to 127 alphanumeric characters. If the
password is left blank (NULL), you cannot log in to a server.
Re-enter Non Registered
User Password
Enter the password again to confirm it.
ColorTrack Error Report Sets whether to automatically print error-related information if printing using ColorTrack results in an
Auto Color To Mono
Sets whether to print all print jobs in black and white even when color print is specified.
User Registration
Click Edit User Registration to display the Edit Print User Registration page.
• To register a user, click
to open the
Print User Settings
• To delete a user, click
to open the
Delete User
returns the screen to the status prior to deleting the user.
• To confirm or change the registered user, click
Confirm / Change
to open the
Print User Settings
User Registration No. Displays the user registration number. The Delete User button is displayed
when the user is already registered.
User Name Sets the user name.
Password Sets the user password using 4 to 12 alphanumeric characters.
Re-enter password Enter the password again to confirm it.
Color Mode Limitation Sets whether to limit color printing.
Upper Limit for Color
Sets the maximum number of pages allowed for color printing.
Cumulative Color Page
Displays the cumulative number of pages printed for color printing.
Upper Limit for
Monochrome Print
Sets the maximum number of pages allowed for monochrome printing.
Monochrome Page
Displays the cumulative number of pages printed for monochrome printing.
Setup Remote
Click to display the Authentication System page.
The password must be set when External Mode is selected for ColorTrack Mode and Non Registered User is set to on.
This item is displayed only when ColorTrack Mode is Internal Mode.
This item is displayed only when ColorTrack Mode is External Mode.