
After you set up your computer, run the system setup program to familiarize yourself with your system
configuration information and optional settings. Dell recommends that you write down the information for
future reference.
Entering and Exiting the System Setup Program
Action Operating System Key Combinations
External Keyboard
Key Combinations
Enter the system setup
Windows 98, Windows
<Fn><F1> any time
<F2> during the system
boot routine
<Scroll Lock><F1> if the
External Hot Key
option is enabled
Windows 2000, Windows
<F2> when the F2
message appears during
the system boot routine
<F2> when the F2
message appears during
the system boot routine
Enter the Battery
Status screen of the
system setup program
Windows 98, Windows
<Fn><F3> any time <Scroll Lock><F3> if the
External Hot Key
option is enabled
Exit the system setup
All <Esc>
If you change the setting
of an option that requires
rebooting to take effect,
exit the operating system
before rebooting. (The
Help text in the upper-
right corner of system
setup screens 1, 2, and
4 tells you if the
computer must be
NOTE: If the system setup program is running when the computer enters suspend mode, the
computer exits the system setup program and then activates suspend mode.
The System Setup Screens
The system setup screens display the current setup and configuration information and optional settings for
your computer. Information on the screens is organized in five boxed areas:
The box at the top of all screens lists the page number, system name, and version number of the basic
input/output system (BIOS).