NOTE: Operating systems must be UEFI-compatible to be installed from the UEFI boot mode. DOS
and 32-bit operating systems do not support UEFI and can only be installed from the BIOS boot
NOTE: For the latest information on supported operating systems, go to dell.com/ossupport.
Assigning a system and setup password
NOTE: The password jumper enables or disables the System Password and Setup Password
features. For more information about the password jumper settings, see System board jumper
You can assign a new System Password and Setup Password or change an existing System Password
and Setup Password only when the password jumper setting is enabled and Password Status is
If the password jumper setting is disabled, the existing System Password and Setup Password are deleted
and you need not provide the system password to boot the system.
About this task
To assign a System Password and Setup Password, follow the steps below:
1. To enter System Setup, press <F2> immediately after a power-on or restart.
2. From the System Setup Main Menu, select System BIOS and press <Enter>.
The System BIOS screen is displayed.
3. On the System BIOS screen, select System Security and press <Enter>.
The System Security screen is displayed.
4. On the System Security screen, verify that Password Status is Unlocked.
5. Select System Password, enter your system password, and press <Enter> or <Tab>.
Use the following guidelines to assign the system password:
• A password can have up to 32 characters.
• The password can contain the numbers 0 through 9.
• Only the following special characters are allowed: space, (”), (+), (,), (-), (.), (/), (;), ([), (\), (]), (`).
A message prompts you to re-enter the system password.
6. Re-enter the system password, and click OK.
7. Select Setup Password, enter your setup password and press <Enter> or <Tab>.
A message prompts you to re-enter the setup password.
8. Re-enter the setup password, and click OK.
9. Press <Esc> to return to the System BIOS screen. Press <Esc> again.
A message prompts you to save the changes.
NOTE: Password protection does not take effect until the system restarts.