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Hard Drive
Removing the Hard Drive
1. Follow the procedures in Before Working Inside Your Computer.
2. Place the computer upside down on a clean, flat surface.
3. Removethescrewsthatsecuretheharddrivetothecomputer.
4. Slide the hard drive out of the computer.
5. Remove the screw that secures the face plate to the hard drive.
6. Pull out the face plate to remove it from the hard drive.
Replacing the Hard Drive
To replace the hard drive, perform the above steps in reverse order.
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WARNING: Before working inside your computer, read the safety information that shipped with your computer. For additional safety best
practices information, see the Regulatory Compliance Homepage at www.dell.com/regulatory_compliance.
NOTE: YoumayneedtoinstallAdobe™FlashPlayer™fromAdobe.com in order to view the illustrations below.