PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 69
Loading and saving configuration files with IPv6
• Always use the end command at the end of the file. The end command must appear on the
last line of the file, by itself.
Loading the configuration information into the running-config
To load the file from a TFTP server, use either of the following commands:
• copy tftp running-config <ip-addr> <filename>
• ncopy tftp <ip-addr> <filename> running-config
If you are loading a configuration file that uses a truncated form of the CLI command access-list, the
software will not go into batch mode.
For example, the following command line will initiate batch mode.
access-list 131 permit host pc1 host pc2
The following command line will not initiate batch mode.
acc 131 permit host pc1 host pc2
Maximum file sizes for startup-config file and running-config
Each Dell PowerConnect device has a maximum allowable size for the running-config and the
startup-config file. If you use TFTP to load additional information into a device running-config or
startup-config file, it is possible to exceed the maximum allowable size. If this occurs, you will not
be able to save the configuration changes.
The maximum size for the running-config and the startup-config file is 64K each.
To determine the size of a running-config or startup-config file, copy it to a TFTP server, then use the
directory services on the server to list the size of the copied file. To copy the running-config or
startup-config file to a TFTP server, use one of the following commands:
• Commands to copy the running-config to a TFTP server:
• copy running-config tftp <ip-addr> <filename>
• ncopy running-config tftp <ip-addr> <from-name>
• Commands to copy the startup-config file to a TFTP server:
• copy startup-config tftp <ip-addr> <filename>
• ncopy startup-config tftp <ip-addr> <from-name>
Loading and saving configuration files with IPv6
This section describes the IPv6 copy and ncopy commands.
Using the IPv6 copy command
The copy command for IPv6 allows you to do the following:
• Copy a file from a specified source to an IPv6 TFTP server