
280 Configuring vFlash SD Card and Managing vFlash Partitions
Table 15-5. Viewing Available Partitions
Field Description
Index Partitions are indexed from 1 to 16. The partition
index is unique for a particular partition. It is specified
when the partition is created.
Label Identifies the partition. It is specified when the
partition is created.
Size Size of the partition in megabytes (MB).
Read-Only Read-write access state of the partition.
Checked = Read-only partition.
Unchecked=Read-write partition
NOTE: For the standard SD card, the partition is read-
write, and this column is not displayed.
Attached Indicates whether the partition is visible to the
operating system as a USB device. To attach or detach
partitions, see the section "Attaching and Detaching
Partition" on page 281.
Ty p e Displays whether the partition type is Floppy, Hard
Disk or CD.
Status Status of an ongoing or the last operation performed
on the partition with the progress percentage. The
status values are:
Idle - No operation is performed.
Formatting - Partition is being formatted.
Creating - Partition is being created.