Configuration: Device Mapper Multipath for Linux 171
DELL is the vendor of the device
MD3200 is the model of the device
Sdx is the physical path to the owning controller for the device
Sdcl is the physical path to the non-owning controller for the device
Create a New fdisk Partition on a Multipath Device Node
The fdisk command allows you to create partition space for a file system on
the newly scanned and mapped virtual disks that have been presented to
Device Mapper.
To create a partition with the multipathing device nodes
/dev/mapper/mpath<x>, for example, use the following command, where
mpath<x> is the multipathing device node on which you want to create the
# fdisk /dev/mapper/mpath<x>
NOTE: The <x> value is an alphanumeric operating system dependent format. The
corresponding value for mapped virtual disks can be seen using the previously run
multipath command. Please refer to your operating system documentation for
additional information on fdisk usage.
Add a New Partition to Device Mapper
The kpartx command adds the newly fdisk created partition to the Device
Mapper list of usable partitions. See examples below, where mpath<x> is the
device node on which the partition was created.
# kpartx –a /dev/mapper/mpath<x>
If successful, the command does not show an output. To verify success and
view exact partition naming, the user can use these commands to see the full
partition names assigned.
# cd /dev/mapper
# ls
The following examples provide information about the general mapping
On RHEL hosts, a partition node has the format
/dev/mapper/mpath<x>p<y>, where <x> is the alphabetic number for the
multipathing device, <y> is the partition number for this device.
book.book Page 171 Monday, June 21, 2010 11:00 AM