
Using Your XPS Laptop
PHOTO — View, organize, or edit your
pictures. You can create slideshows
and collections of your pictures and
upload them to Facebook or Flickr when
connected to the Internet.
•DELL WEB — Provides a preview of up to
four of your favorite web pages. Click or
tap the web page preview to open it in the
web browser.
VIDEO — View videos. The optional
CinemaNow application allows you to
purchase or rent movies and TV shows
when connected to the Internet.
SHORTCUTS — Provides quick access to
your frequently‑used programs.
STICKYNOTES — Create notes or
reminders using the keyboard or touch
screen. These notes will appear on the
bulletin board the next time you access
STICKYNOTES. You can also save notes on
your desktop.
Web Tile — Provides a preview of up to four •
of your favorite web pages. The tile allows
you to add, edit, or delete a web page
preview. Click or tap the web page preview
to open it in the web browser. You can also
create multiple Web Tiles through the Apps