
Option Description
USB Debug - Disabled (Default
Table 5. Security
Option Description
Unlock Setup Status
Unlocked (Default Setting)
Admin Password Status Displays the status of the admin password.
Default Setting: Not set
System Password Status Displays the status of the system password.
Default Setting: Not set
HDD Password Status Displays the status of the system password.
Default Setting: Not set
Asset Tag Allows you to set the asset tag.
Admin Password Allows you to set, change, or delete the administrator (admin)
NOTE: You must set the admin password before you set the
system or hard drive password.
NOTE: Successful password changes take effect immediately.
NOTE: Deleting the admin password automatically deletes the
system password and the hard drive password.
NOTE: Successful password changes take effect immediately.
System Password Allows you to set, change or delete the system password.
NOTE: Successful password changes take effect immediately.
HDD Password Allows you to set, change or delete the administrator password.
Password Change Allows you to enable or disable permissions to set a System password
and a Hard Drive password when the admin password is set.
Default Setting: Permitted
Computrace Allows you to activate or disable the optional Computrace software The
options are:
Deactivate (Default Setting)
NOTE: The Activate and Disable options will permanently activate
or disable the feature and no further changes will be allowed.
TPM Security This option lets you control whether the Trusted Platform Module
(TPM) in the system is enabled and visible to the operating system.
When disabled the BIOS will not turn On the TPM During POST. The
TPM will be non-functional and invisible to the operating system. When