
18. Click Finish to complete the setup, and remove the CD.
19. Reinstall the appropriate drivers with the Drivers and Utilities CD.
20. Reinstall your virus protection software.
21. Reinstall your programs.
Notebook System Software (NSS)
If you reinstall the operating system for your computer, you should also reinstall the NSS utility. NSS provides critical updates for your operating system and
supportforDell™3.5-inch USB floppy drives, Intel®Pentium® M processors, optical drives, and USB devices. NSS is necessary for correct operation of your
Dell portable computer. NSS automatically detects your computer and operating system and installs the updates appropriate for your configuration.
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NOTE: To reinstall and activate your Microsoft Office or Microsoft Works Suite programs, you need the Product Key number located on the back of the
Microsoft Office or Microsoft Works Suite CD sleeve.