218 Glossary
SNMP — Simple Network Management Protocol. A standard interface that allows a
network manager to remotely monitor and manage workstations.
spanning — Spanning, or concatenating, disk volumes combines unallocated space
from multiple disks into one logical volume, allowing more efficient use of all the
space and all drive letters on a multiple-disk system.
striping — Disk striping writes data across three or more disks in an array, but only
uses a portion of the space on each disk. The amount of space used by a "stripe" is the
same on each disk used. A virtual disk may use several stripes on the same set of disks
in an array. See also guarding, mirroring, and RAID.
SVGA — Super video graphics array. VGA and SVGA are video standards for video
adapters with greater resolution and color display capabilities than previous
system board — As the main circuit board, the system board usually contains most of
your system’s integral components, such as the processor, RAM, controllers for
peripherals, and various ROM chips.
system configuration information — Data stored in memory that tells a system what
hardware is installed and how the system should be configured for operation.
system diskette — See bootable diskette.
system memory — See RAM.
System Setup program — A BIOS-based program that allows you to configure your
system’s hardware and customize the system’s operation by setting features such as
password protection. Because the System Setup program is stored in NVRAM, any
settings remain in effect until you change them again.
system.ini file — A start-up file for the Windows operating system. When you start
Windows, it consults the system.ini file to determine a variety of options for the
Windows operating environment. Among other things, the system.ini file records
which video, mouse, and keyboard drivers are installed for Windows.
TCP/IP — Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.