Chapter 4 Parameters|
4-74 Revision May 2008, ME14, SW V3.04
Linear acceleration and automatic deceleration (Operation by automatic
deceleration time, Pr.10 or Pr.12 acceleration time).
Automatic acceleration, deceleration (Operation by AC drive auto adjustable
If this parameter is set to 04, Accel/Decel time will be equal to or more than
parameter Pr.10 ~Pr.13.
This parameter should not be used when a brake unit is installed.
Auto Voltage Regulation (AVR)
Factory Setting: 00
Settings 00 AVR function enabled
01 AVR function disabled
02 AVR function disabled when stop
03 AVR function disabled for deceleration
AVR function automatically regulates the AC drive output voltage to the Maximum Output
Voltage (Pr.03). For instance, if Pr.03 is set at 200 VAC and the input voltage varies from
200V to 264VAC, then the Maximum Output Voltage will automatically be regulated to 200VAC.
When the AVR function is disabled, the Maximum Output Voltage follows the variations of the
input voltage (180V to 264VAC).
Selecting program value 2 enables the AVR function and also disables the AVR function
during deceleration. This offers a quicker deceleration.
Auto Tune Motor parameters
Factory Setting: 00
Settings 00 Disable
01 Auto tune for R1
02 Auto tune for R1 + No Load testing
For Auto Tune, set Pr.103 to 01 or 02 and press the RUN key. When it is set to 02, motor
should have no load.
R1 Value
00 to 65535mΩ
Factory Setting: 00
As an option to Auto Tune, this parameter inputs the motor resistance.