General Information 1 - 1
CAUTION: Each component of a Deltech Hydrobloc LS
Series heaterless regenerative desiccant dryer system has
been selected to compliment the performance of the other
components of the system. Therefore, use of unauthorized
parts or supplies or improper operation will degrade system
1.2.1 Dryer
This fully automatic, heaterless-type dryer alternately
cycles the compressed, process gas flow through two des-
iccant-filled, vertical chambers where the gas’s entrained,
vaporous moisture content is adsorbed. One desiccant
chamber is always on-stream in a timed DRYING CYCLE
throughout normal dryer operation. The opposite, off-
stream chamber is in a timed REGENERATION CYCLE
for removal of the desiccant’s previously adsorbed moisture
content or in a static or steady state pressurized condition.
The dryer’s “fail-safe” design feature provides continued
process gas flow through both desiccant chambers if the
control system’s power supply is lost or interrupted.
1.2.2 Prefilter Assembly
As the first line of defense against oil/water contaminants
a Deltech D-Series Coalescing Prefilter with an automatic
drain is required.
The Deltech D-Series Coalescing Prefilter Assembly re-
moves oil and water aerosols, as well as dirt and pipe
scale from the gas stream BEFORE the gas enters the
dryer. Oil and liquids collected by the assembly’s filter
cartridges fall to the housing sump which must be periodi-
cally drained.
1.1 Foreword
This manual is designed to serve as the installation, opera-
tion, and maintenance guide for your dryer system. The
contents of this manual should be carefully read BEFORE
attempting any phase of installation, operation or mainte-
nance. Failure to follow the operating and maintenance
procedures of the instruction manual could result in per-
sonal injury or property damage.
To facilitate maintenance, a “Recommended Spare Parts
List” is included in the manual for your specific dryer
model. Failure to maintain recommended spare parts and
filter cartridges may result in EXPENSIVE and unneces-
sary downtime, for which the manufacturer cannot be re-
sponsible. To request a quotation, or place an order for
recommended or emergency spare parts, please contact
your local Deltech Sales Representative.
A Dryer Specification Label has been permanently at-
tached to the inside cover of the dryer control enclosure.
When requesting information, service, ordering of spare
parts, etc., please reference all information supplied on the
Specification Label.
All information, specifications and illustrations within this
manual are those in effect at the time of printing. The
manufacturer reserves the right to change or make im-
provements without incurring any obligation to make
changes or add improvements to products previously sold.
1.2 General System Information
CAUTION: The Deltech Hydrobloc LS Series heaterless
regenerative desiccant dryer system is designed to se-
quentially remove contaminants. The Prefilter removes liq-
uid and particulate contaminants, the Dryer removes vapor-
ous contaminants and the Afterfilter removes any remaining
particulates. Bypass of any component in the system
compromises the whole system.