8. Slowly pour the mixture in the top opening of the lid. It
is at this time that you leave the machine on for about
5–30 minutes (time varies, depending on the coldness
of the ingredients and/or canister), or until mixture
becomes the desired thickness. If making ice cream,
your result should be a soft, custard-like ice cream.
9. When the frozen dessert is ready, make sure the unit is
off. Remove the lid and the mixture from the bowl with
a plastic spoon or plastic scoop. Do not use metal
utensils or metal objects in the canister.
10. Ice cream will be a custard like ice cream. If you
prefer hard ice cream, place ice cream in an air tight
container, then place in the the freezer and allow it
to set until it reaches your desired hardness. It is
recommended to remove the frozen dessert from
canister and place in an airtight, freezer safe container.
If the frozen dessert is left in the canister with the top
on in the freezer, it should only be for a short period
of time (less than 30 minutes) or the frozen dessert will
freeze to the canister and possibly damage the canister.
NOTE: Continually check the ice cream mixture while the
unit is on.
1. Place candy bars in freezer until cold. Do not put soft
chocolate in the crusher.
2. Break candy bars into smaller pieces before putting in
the crusher. Pieces should be about 1 inch or less.
3. When your ice cream is almost done (about 5 mins left)
position the candy crusher base in the opening on top
of the clear-vue lid so it fits snug.
4. Place the mixing paddle into the candy crusher base.
5. Put the lid on the candy crusher making sure the notches
(see pg. 2) line up properly, securing the lid.
6. Place the handle over the arm of the mixing paddle that
comes up through the lid.
7. Place the candy into the candy crusher. Some candy
works best when placed on it’s side. Do not over fill the
candy crusher, it will not have room to be crushed. Fill
both sides of the candy crusher.
8. Begin turning the handle clockwise. Place your hand
on the lid to keep in place. The candy will be crushed
up and mixed into the ice cream as the stir paddle
continues to mix the ice cream.
The result will be finely chopped candy or cookies.