Progressive (sequential scanning)
This is a scanning system of the video signal that displays 1 frame of video
as one image. Compared to the interlace system, this system provides
images with less flickering and jagged edges.
AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
This is a next generation standard encryption method replacing the current
DES and 3DES, and because of its high security it is expected to be
applied widely to wireless LANs in the future. It uses the “Rijndael”
algorithm developed by two Belgian cryptographers to divide the data into
blocks of fixed lengths and encrypt each block. It supports data lengths of
128, 192 and 256 bits and key lengths of 128, 192 and 256 bits as well,
offering extremely high encryption security.
AirPlay sends (plays) contents recorded in iTunes or on an iPhone/iPod
touch/iPad to a compatible device via the network.
Contents Connections Playback Settings Tips Appendix
Front panel Display Rear panel Remote Index