Symptom Possible Cause Action
No power Not connected / Faulty socket Check connection to wall socket
and socket switch. Try in another
wall socket
On/Off switch not on Press On/Off switch which will
illuminate when on
Fuse Blown Replace fuse with approved 13A
Unknown Call for service
No steam Steam Control turned Turn the control to half way
down fully clockwise
Steamer not ready Wait for the "Ready to Steam"
light to illuminate
Clean water tank is low Pour water into the clean water
(beeping sound & tank until the beeper stops. The
“Refill” light is lit) steam handle will work again
Unknown Call for service
No steam, just water Steamer not ready Wait for the "Ready to Steam"
light to illuminate
Boiler at pressure and not Hold the steam switch on for
heating (temperature less approximately one minute, even if
than 110ºC) just water is coming out. This will
result in the heater coming back
Unknown Call for service
Vacuum power low Vacuum operation has been Operate any of the handle controls
selected after the machine was which will reset the motor power
previously used as an air purifier to full. Continue vacuuming
High pitch motor noise Switch the machine off and empty
the collection tank. Refill the
collection tank with clean water
to the mark and recommence work
Unknown Call for service
No detergent Solution tank empty Pour cleaning solution diluted in
accordance with the manufacturers
instructions into the solution tank
Unknown Call for service
The machine has Cold water supply interrupted Switch off the machine.
stopped working and Check cold water tank is full of
the temperature LED water. Check the filter on the end
displays “HOT”
of the pipe in the cold water tank is
not blocked. Leave the machine to
cool for 30 minutes and switch on
Unknown Call service engineer