If a pressure of at least 19 psi (1.3 bar) cannot be
maintained in the tire, the tire is too badly damaged.
Do not attempt to drive the vehicle further. Call for
Do not operate the electric air pump for more than
eight minutes to avoid overheating. The air pump may
be used again once it has cooled down.
Replace the TIREFIT sealant bottle 5 once every four
years to assure optimum operation of the system.
If TIREFIT is liquid, clean water and a damp cloth will
remove the material from the vehicle or tire and wheel
components. Once TIREFIT sealing material has dried,
it can easily be peeled off and properly discarded.
Do not exceed 55 mph (90 km/h) until the tire has
been inspected.
Take care to avoid the radiator cooling fan wheneverthe hood is raised.
It canstart anytimethe ignitionswitchis ON.You canbe hurtby thefan.
Do not attempt to push or tow your vehicle to get it started. Vehicles
equipped with an automatic transmission cannot be started this way.
Unburned fuel could enter the catalytic converter and once the engine
has started, ignite and damage the converter and vehicle.If thevehicle
has a discharged battery, booster cables may be used to obtain a start
from another vehicle. This type of start can be dangerous if done
improperly, so follow this procedure carefully.
Battery fluid is a corrosive acid solution; do not allow battery fluid to
contact eyes, skin, or clothing. Don’t lean over battery when attaching
clamps or allow the clampsto touch each other. If acid splashes ineyes
or on skin, flush contaminated area immediately with large quantities
of water.
A battery generates hydrogen gas, which is flammable and explosive.
Keep flame or spark away from the vent holes.
Do not usea booster batteryor any otherbooster source withan output
that exceeds 12 Volts.
Thebattery inthisvehicle hasa venthosethat shouldnot bedisconnected
and should only be replaced with a battery of the same type (vented).