Carefully follow these tire changing warnings to help
prevent personal injury or damage to your vehicle:
• Always park on a firm, level surface as far from the
edge of the roadway as possible before raising the
• Block the wheel diagonally opposite the wheel to be
• Apply the parking brake firmly before jacking.
• Never start the engine with the vehicle on a jack.
• Do not let anyone sit in the vehicle when it is on a jack.
• Do not get under the vehicle when it is on a jack.
• Only use the jack in the positions indicated.
• If working on ornear a roadway, beextremely careful of
motor traffic.
• To assure that spare tires, flat or inflated are securely
stowed, spares must be stowed with the value stem
facing the ground.
To Stow The Flat Or Spare
Turn the wheel so that the valve stem is down. Slide the
wheel retainer through the center of the wheel and
position it properly across the wheel opening.
For convenience in checking the spare tire inflation, stow
with the valve stem toward the rear of the vehicle.
Rotate the winch mechanism until the wheel is drawn
into place against the underside of the vehicle. Continue
to rotate until you feel the winch mechanism slip or click
3 times. It cannot be overtightened. Push against the tire
several times to be sure it is firmly in place.
To Stow the Flat or Spare: Wheel retainer does not fit
through the center of the aluminum wheel. The tire must
be stored in a safe manner in the bed of the truck.