Shifting gears during cold weather may require an
increased effort until the transmission lubricant is
warm. This is normal and not harmful to the transmis-
Due to the high performance nature of your drivetrain,
a certain amount of noise from the transmission is
normal. This noise can be most noticeable when the
vehicle is idling in NEUTRAL with the clutch engaged
(clutch pedal released), but it may also be heard when
driving. The noise may also be more noticeable when
the transmission is warm. This noise is normal and is
not an indication of a problem with your clutch or
Recommended Shift Speeds
To use your manual transmission for fuel economy it
should be upshifted as listed below. Shift at the vehicle
speeds listed for acceleration. Earlier upshifts during
cruise conditions (relatively steady speeds) will result in
increased fuel economy, and may be used as indicated.
1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6
mph 15 25 40 45 50
(km/h) (24) (40) (64) (72) (80)
Higher upshift speeds may be used to obtain a desired
acceleration rate.
Skip Shift Indicator Light
There are times when you must shift the transmis-
sion directly from FIRST gear to FOURTH gear
instead of from FIRST gear to SECOND gear. This is to
help you get the best possible fuel economy from your
vehicle. This occurs when engine coolant is higher than
106°F (41°C), and vehicle speed is greater than 12 mph
(19 km/h) but less than 20 mph (32 km/h), and engine
speed is less than 1,322 RPM, and the transmission is in