The ESP system has two available operating modes:
This is the normal operating mode for the ESP. Whenever
the vehicle is started, the ESP system will be in this mode.
This mode should be used for most driving conditions.
The ESP should only be turned OFF for specific reasons
as noted in the following paragraphs.
Partial Off
The “Partial Off” mode is intended for times when a
more spirited driving experience is desired. It is also
intended for driving in deep snow, sand, or gravel. This
mode disables the TCS portion of the ESP and raises the
threshold for ESP activation, which allows for more
wheel spin than what ESP normally allows.
The ESP OFF switch is located on the switch bank in the
center of the instrument panel. To enter the “Partial Off”
mode, momentarily press the ESP OFF switch and the
“ESP/TCS Indicator Light” will illuminate. To turn the
ESP on again, momentarily press the ESP OFF switch and
the “ESP/TCS Indicator Light” will turn off.
NOTE: To improve the vehicle’s traction when driving
with snow chains, or when starting off in deep snow,
sand, or gravel, it may be desirable to switch to the
“Partial Off” mode by momentarily pressing the ESP OFF
switch. Once the situation requiring “Partial Off” mode is
overcome, turn the ESP on again by momentarily press-
ing the ESP OFF switch. This may be done while the
vehicle is in motion.
Synchronizing ESP
The Malfunction Indicator Light for the ESP is
combined with BAS indicator. If the power
supply is interrupted (battery disconnected or
discharged), the “ESP/BAS Malfunction Indi-
cator Light” may illuminate with the engine running. If
this should occur, turn the steering wheel completely to
the left and then to the right. The “ESP/BAS Malfunction