The blower air will heat faster in cold weather if you
use only the low blower speeds for the first ten
minutes of vehicle operation.
Use of the air Recirculation mode during winter
months is not recommended because it may cause
window fogging.
Vacation Storage
Anytime you store your vehicle, or keep it out of service
(i.e., vacation) for two weeks or more, run the air
conditioning system at idle for about five minutes in the
fresh air and high blower setting. This will ensure
adequate system lubrication to minimize the possibility
of compressor damage when the system is started again.
Window Fogging
Interior fogging on the windshield can be quickly re-
moved by turning the mode selector to Defrost. The
Defrost/Floor mode can be used to maintain a clear
windshield and provide sufficient heating. If side win-
dow fogging becomes a problem increase blower speed.
Vehicle windows tend to fog on the inside in mild but
rainy or humid weather.
Outside Air Intake
When operating the system, particularly during the win-
ter months, make sure the air intake, at the right side of
the hood, is free of ice, slush, snow, or other obstructions
such as leaves. Leaves collected in the air-intake plenum
may reduce airflow and plug the plenum water drains.