
- 14 - Lists
Entry Significance
Speed Indicates your current speed.
Indicates the address of your current
Tap this button to add the current address to
the F
Quit Tap this button to quit the GPS screen.
3.2.1 Command buttons with caption
Command buttons You will find command buttons with captions on almost every
screen of XNAV3550. There are three groups of command
1. Command buttons with a defined functionality.
These buttons are designed to execute a functionality, which
is indicated by their caption. They are normally buttons like
Save, OK, Cancel, Select map, Navigation etc.
2. Buttons to select one of two possibilities.
These buttons are designed to select one of two possibilities.
Normally, the current state is indicated by the caption of the
button. They are normally buttons like User mode, Yes-No,
When you tap one of these buttons, the caption switches to
the other possibility. This change must be confirmed by
clicking another button (normally OK or Save) before the
current screen closes.
3. Buttons to enter data.
Subsequently, these buttons will be referred to as entry
fields. The caption either your last entry or <please select>.
They are buttons like City or ZIP, Street, Category (of a
POI) etc.
When you tap an entry field, another screen with a software
keyboard, a list, or with both of them opens where you can
make your entries. This entry must be confirmed by clicking
another button (normally OK or Save) before the entry
screen closes. Your entry becomes then the caption of the
entry field.
For information on the use of the keyboard, please refer to
Software keyboard".
For information on working with lists, please refer to "
3.3 Lists
Survey There are many cases where you have to select an entry from a
If, for example, you have not completely entered the name of a
city before tapping OK, a list appears which contains all cities