• YourLPgrillisfactorybuilttooperateusingliquidpropaneonly.Neverattemptto
operate your grill on gases other than the type specified on the grill rating plate.
• Theregulatorsuppliedwithyourliquidpropanegasgrillissetfor11"water
column pressure and is for use with propane gas only. This regulator and the
factory-supplied hose assembly must be used when operating your grill with a 20
lb. LP gas cylinder.
• Ifreplacementofthehoseand/orregulatorbecomesnecessary,factory-specified
parts are required.
• Forsafetyanddesignreasons,theconversionofaDucane
grill from operation
using LP gas to operation using natural gas requires the change out of the entire
gas supply system of the grill. If this becomes necessary, see your dealer for
additional information.
Propane gas should be handled and stored with care. We suggest asking your propane
gas dealer, when having your tank filled, for a short course in handling, care and storage
of propane gas tanks. Most dealers will be glad to instruct you on how to store and
handle your tank. Make sure your tank is never stored inside! Keep it outside in a well-
ventilated area in an upright position away from your gas grill.
Complete portability is afforded to the grill head when mounted on the portable cart.
When so installed, it is necessary to use a 20 lb. capacity liquid propane tank. Use no
other size. The tank retainer is designed to accommodate only this size tank.
All Ducane liquid propane gas grill regulators are equipped with a UL-listed tank
connection as per the latest edition of ANSI Z21.58. This will require a liquid propane
tank that is similarly equipped with a Type 1 connection in the tank valve. This Type 1
coupling allows you to make a fast and totally safe hookup between your gas grill and
your liquid propane tank. It eliminates the chance of leaks due to a POL fitting that is
not properly tightened. Gas will not flow from the tank unless the Type 1 coupling is fully
engaged into the coupling.
m WARNING: The Type 1 connective coupling supplied with
your grill must not be replaced with a different type of
grill/tank connection system. Removal will result in loss
of warranty and, if improperly done, may result in serious
bodily injury or death, or in a fire or an explosion causing
damage to property.
m WARNING: Do not let the regulator hose loop up towards
the bottom of the burner box.
1 Type 1 Valve
2 Hand Wheel
3 External Thread
4 Thermally Sensitive Nut
5 Propane Regulator
If there are local codes that apply to portable gas grills, you will have to conform to
them. Installation must conform with local codes or, in the absence of local codes,
with either the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54, Natural Gas and
Propane Installation Code, CSA B149.1, or Propane Storage and Handling Code,
• Checkthattheareaunderthecontrolpanelandthebottomtrayarefreefrom
debris that might obstruct the flow of combustion or ventilation air.
• TheareasaroundtheLPcylindermustbefreeandclearfromdebris.
Before operating your grill and after refueling, check carefully to be certain that all
connections are tight and there are no gas leaks. The easiest way to do this is to mix
up a little soapy water, like you would for washing dishes. Turn on the gas and brush
a little of the mixture around fittings. If new bubbles form, you have a leak!
For LP gas grills, the LP gas supply cylinder to be used must be constructed and
marked in accordance with the specifications for LP Gas Cylinders of the US
Department of Transportation (DOT) or the National Standard of Canada, CAN/
CSA-B339 Cylinders, Spheres and Tubes for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods.
This tank must be provided with a shut-off valve terminating in a liquid propane gas tank
valve outlet. The valve must be equipped with a Type 1 connection complying with the
latest edition of ANSI Z21.58.
The Propane tank is installed inside the base cabinet. Lift the liquid propane tank
through the front doors into the cabinet. Rest the tank into the base opening. Position
the valve opening facing out to the rear of the grill.
Ducane recommends the use of cylinder manufacturer’s Manchester and Worthington,
with a 47.6 lb water capacity. Other cylinders may be acceptable for use with the
appliance provided they are compatible with the appliance retention means (see
CONNECTION — Liquid Propane Gas Grills
The liquid propane tank supply system must:
1) Have a safety relief device having direct communication with the vapor space
of the tank.
2) Be arranged for vapor withdrawal.
3) Include a collar on the tank to protect the tank valve.
4 ) Be equipped with a listed overfilling protection device (OPD). The tank should
be 12 inches in diameter and 18½ inches tall.
5 ) Must be provided with a cylinder connection device compatible with the
connection for outdoor cooking appliances.