3. Edit mode
Functions in this mode are File, Paint tool and Full screen.
The Freeze and capture are not available in edit mode.
4. Freeze
The image can be frozen in real time mode.
(*This function is only available in real time mode)
5. Capture
You can capture images which are saved as JPG files in the default
folder is C:\Program File\MR2004\,
(* This function is only available in real time mode.)
6. Paint and Annotation tool
This is a basic annotation or drawing tool, it can be used in real time and the edit mode, right
click for tool, left click to mark any region in the image.
1. Pointer Mouse pointer
2. Laser Click "Laser" to show a spot on the screen
3. HandwriteClick and drag to draw a line or annotate
4. Line Click and drag to draw a line
5. Ellipse Click and drag to draw a circle
6. Rectangle Click and drag to draw a rectangle
7. Eraser Click and drag to clear lines
8. Clear all Clear all lines on the picture
9. Color Choose the line color
10. Thickness Choose thickness of lines. (1 to 99)
7. Full Screen
The image can be increased to full screen with the "full screen" function. It is available in
Real time mode, and Edit mode.
Right -click on the picture and then the paint tool will appear.
The lower Preview window tool bar appears for the Edit mode.
Use "ESC" to return to normal size window.