Dukane Manual Part No. 403-570-01
Page 67
Section 8 - Welder Data Export Software
A Windows™ application named Dual Servo Spin
Welder Utility, can be used to capture data exported
by the welder to a PC. This application is also capable
of importing the servo tuning database, and obtaining
messages from the machine that may be useful in trou-
Hardware and
Software Requirements
The utility requires a PC or laptop running a Windows
2000™, XP™, or Vista™ operating system. A straight
DB-9 cable is needed to interface to the welder. The
cable must be terminated with a male connector where
it connects to the welder.
Startup, and Cable
To install the program, Run the setup.exe le located in
the Dukane Dual Servo Spin Utility Installer folder on
the CD supplied with the welder and follow the prompts
on the screen.
Once installed, run the program. It can be accessed
Start Menu -> All Programs -> Dukane -> Dual
Servo SpinWelder Utility
Connect the cable between the Data Port on the weld-
er (located above the power switch on the rear of the
welder) and a serial port on the PC or a USB-to-serial
converter. If a converter is to be used, the serial com-
munications settings should be as follows:
Baud Rate 57600
Data Bits 8
Parity NONE
Stop Bits 1
Flow Control Xon/ Xoff