Alert Settings (Continued)
Setting Item Description
Alarm Time
Congures the time to alert.
(Only Lamp Time Alarm and Filter Time Alarm.)
SNMP Trap Click the [Enable] check box to enable SNMP trap alerts.
Send Mail
Click the [Enable] check box to enable e-mail alerts.
(Except Cold Start and Authentication Failure.)
Mail Subject
Congures the subject line of the e-mail to be sent.
The length of the subject line can be up to 255 alphanumeric
(Except Cold Start and Authentication Failure.)
Mail Text
Congures the text of the e-mail to be sent.
The length of the text can be up to 1024 alphanumeric
(Except Cold Start and Authentication Failure.)
The Alert Items are shown below.
• The trigger of Filter Error e-mail is depending on the FILTER
MESSAGE setting in the SERVICE item of the OPTION menu which denes
the period until lter message is displayed on the projector screen. The e-mail
will be sent when the lter timer exceeds 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700
or 800 hours based on the conguration. No notication e-mail will be sent if the
"OPTION menu" section of the User's
Manual - Operating Guide)
• Lamp Time Alarm is dened as a threshold for e-mail notication (reminder) of
the lamp timer. When the lamp hour exceeds this threshold that is congured
through the Web page, the e-mail will be sent out.
• Filter Time Alarm is dened as a threshold for e-mail notication (reminder)
of the lter timer. When the lter hour exceeds this threshold, the e-mail will be
sent out.
Click the [Apply] button to save the settings.
Conguring and Controlling the Projector via a Web Browser