Contacting Customer Support
The following table provides a list of telephone numbers to reach DYMO Sales and Support departments.
You can also reach DYMO at www.dymo.com.
Country Telephone Support Fax Support
Australia 1800/ 633 868 1800/ 817 558
Austria 01/ 599 14 20 12 02/627-400-160
Belgium 02/ 713 38 08 +31/ 20/ 581 93 80
Canada (800) 263-6105
Czech Republic 02/619 12 720 +02/619 12 730
Denmark 35 25 65 08 +31/ 20/ 581 93 80
Finland 09 229 07 04 +31/ 20/ 581 93 80
France 01/69 32 49 32 +31/ 20/ 581 93 80
Germany 069/ 66 56 85 29 +31/ 20/ 581 93 80
Hong Kong +852 2527 1928
Hungary 1 424 6600 1 424 6601
Ireland (+35)3 14118934
Italy 02/ 45 28 13 08 +31/ 20/ 581 93 80
Mexico +01 5368 2066
The Netherlands 020/581 93 86 020/ 581 93 80
New Zealand 0800 803 966 0800 737 212
Norway 22 97 17 10 +31/ 20/ 581 93 80
Poland 00800/311 12 50 +31/ 20/ 581 93 80
Slovakia (+420) 2/619 12 720 (+420) 2/619 12 730
Spain/Portugal 91/662 31 49 +31/ 20/ 581 93 80
Sweden 08/ 632 00 57 +31/ 20/ 581 93 80
Switzerland 01/342 04 66 +31/ 20/ 581 93 80
Turkey 212/ 286 26 30 PBX 212/ 286 26 28
United Kingdom (+44) 020/ 7341 55 29 +31/ 20/ 581 93 80
United States (203) 588-2500