
available to the general public today. Remember, however, that this
receiver is only a tool. Always have another method of navigation avail-
able, such as a map or chart and a compass.
Also remember that this unit will always show navigation information
in the shortest line from your present position to a waypoint, regardless
of terrain! It only calculates position, it can’t know what’s between you
and your destination, for example. It’s up to you to safely navigate
around obstacles, no matter how you’re using this product.
Free Training Aids Available
Now that you know something about the technology that makes this
unit possible, you're ready to start learning how to use that technology!
This manual will guide you through the process of setting up and run-
ning your unit, but that's only one of many resources available.
If you or a friend has Internet access, visit our web site! Find us at
www.eaglesonar.com. The site is packed with additional information on
using our products. For instance, you can learn more about interpreting
what you see on your sonar screen with our free Sonar Tutorial. The
tutorial includes animated illustrations and more pictures of actual so-
nar returns, all described in detail. There's even a "printer friendly"
version of the tutorial available on our web …it makes a great supple-
ment to this operation manual.
Sonar Viewer
You can also download a free copy of our Sonar Viewer software. This
PC-based software application plays back any sonar chart log recorded
with a Eagle sonar product. Features include:
Adjustable range, zoom, sensitivity, ColorLine, noise rejection,
surface clarity, etc. of the recorded file.
Color interpretation of sonar signals can be user defined.
Operates like a Windows Multimedia Player with forward, re-
verse, pause, fast forward, fast reverse, and scroll buttons.
Adjustments update the entire record displayed.
Can print in full color.
Window can dynamically be sized on your monitor.
Mouse cursor shows GPS position, depth and sounding number
anywhere on the visible record.
For the ultimate training aid, be sure to download the free emulator
software for your unit. Aside from being just plain fun, this program