
Copyright © 2003-2005 Eagle Tree Systems, LLC
Page 18
ERROR_LOW_BAT_RESTART – the recorder has been restarted due to a brownout,
ERROR_SERVO_GLITCH_MISSED – a servo pulse was missing,
ERROR_SERVO_GLITCH_SHORT – a servo pulse was shorter than 740uSec,
ERROR_SERVO_GLITCH_LONG – a servo pulse was longer than 2.25mSec,
Timestamp indicates when each record was collected. The timestamp is in milliseconds.
Email us if you need more information on the file format.
Below is a list of problems that may be encountered, and steps to remedy them. If your particular issue is not addressed by the
below, see the Flight Support page on http://www.eagletreesystems.com or email info@eagletreesystems.com. Include a full
description of your problem, your machine configuration, brands/models of receivers, transmitters and servos, application and
firmware version if possible (from Help->About in the app) and any other relevant details.
Issue: My Dashboard is receiving data, but it doesn’t look like correct data.
Solution: Some parameters, like altitude, airspeed and current, are “zero calibrated” each time the Dashboard is turned on. If these
parameters are not zeroed, try turning off and on the Dashboard.
Issue: My altitude or airspeed values seem to drift, even when the model is sitting still
Solution: Some slight drift may occur on the ground. Note that for airspeed, which is related to the square of pressure, slight drift
from zero will not affect your higher speed readings much. For example, if your Dashboard is displaying 9 MPH when not moving,
the error at 50 MPH would be closer to 1 MPH, rather than 9 MPH.
Issue: I am unable to successfully complete an “antenna down” range check with the Seagull Transmitter running. I am seeing servo
jitter or observing reduced range during range checking.
Solution: First, verify that the problem does NOT happen with the Recorder/Transmitter removed from the plane.
Solution: Try low power transmit mode if you are not using it (requires PC connection). Note that low power mode is the default.
Solution: Try operating the Recorder/Transmitter without any recorder cables connected to your radio RX. This will require a
separate small battery to power the Recorder, and servos cannot be monitored in this mode.
As a last resort, Ferrites or torroids can be installed at various locations. This would normally not be necessary.
Ferrite cores can often be used to filter out the RF interference. Snap-on RF ferrite cores are available from Eagle Tree
Systems, Radio Shack or other sources. Often a single ferrite snapped around all the wires leading from the motor will
eliminate this problem. Or, the wires can be wrapped a few times through a hollow torroid.
If a single ferrite does not remedy the situation, an additional ferrite snapped around all the servo Y cables provides
additional filtering.
Issue: My Dashboard display is hard to read, or very dim.
Solution: See the “Display Contrast” information in the Seagull Dashboard section above.
Solution: Replace the Dashboard battery.
Issue: My Dashboard works briefly, then shuts off.
Solution: Replace the Dashboard battery.
Issue: My PC does not recognize the Recorder.
Solution: Try to eliminate the problem in the following ways:
o Disconnect all other USB peripherals from your PC (if possible) and try the Recorder again.
o Try the Recorder on a different PC. If it works, there may be a misconfiguration with your PC.
o Try the Recorder with a different USB cable, if you have one. If this works, your cable has been damaged.
o Try rebooting your PC – occasionally USB support gets disabled with some PCs.
o Try the other USB connector on you PC if it has two.
o Ensure that USB is enabled within your Operating System by checking in Device Manager. You’ll need to see your
Windows™ documentation to determine how to do this on your particular OS version.
Issue: RPM is not working correctly
Make sure that the parameter in the "Tools->Calibrate Motor RPM" is not set to zero. If this is zero, RPM will read zero.
Make sure you have the writing on the RPM sensor facing away from the red lined side of the magnets.